About José Argüelles/Valum Votan Rainbow Bridge

Galactic Information Booth


Planet Earth: Timespace Hologram Shifting Frequencies

Planet Earth is a timespace hologram (Timeship) where different evolutionary life programs play out.

The Sun is a star and a cosmic entity that informs all of life and consciousness on our planet as well as throughout the solar system.

The planetary orbits represent different frequency patterns that create different circuits of interplanetary solar consciousness.

Earth was locked into a machine time frequency (12:60) dominated by space, but now in its next evolutionary phase correct understanding of time is KEY to reorienting Earth civilization.

A society is a reflection of the time it keeps. A timekeeping device is how a social timespace is programmed and organized.

Any timespace is a mind-created reality. This reality is based on a coded set of patterns that organize different levels of reality in a systematic manner.

The artificial 12:60 frequency is based on the irregular 12 month calendar, and the mechanistic device of the clock. This timing frequency produces the experience of the "daily grind" of being enslaved to the clock in pursuit of money. It is the timespace of inequality, disharmony and violence.

By contrast the 13:20 frequency is the path of universal nature where time is art and synchronicity is the norm. In this timing standard everything is always in perfect order and everything is always on time, because synchronicity is the normal experience of reality.

The 13 Moon/28-day calendar (synchronometer) is a solar/galactic timing device that elevates us into the natural timing frequency:13:20. This is the frequency that sustains the universal whole, from the bird tribes to galactic totality.

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