One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #70

Kelly Harding

Photo Collage of artist Kelly Harding

Kelly Harding |

What is your artform and/or vision?

My art form is graphic design, my vision is to reach the hearts of people with my work so they will recognize truth within themselves and seek it. Within even the most "mundane" of my designs there is hidden energy within each one that will reach whom it is meant to reach. 

Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?

Walt Disney, Buckminster Fuller, Jose Arguelles.

Editor's Note: Kelly Rhythmic Sun has been working for the Foundation for the Law of Time and the Planet Art Network for more than 13 years, starting with her thesis 'I Play With Time' - an interactive 13 Moon children's educational tool. She has designed the FLT's official 13 Moon pocket calendars for more than 8 years, as well as the layout/design of many publications including the seven volume Cosmic History Chronicles; Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change; and the most recent Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History! Thank you Kelly!

What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

Everything I do is art and its important, from cleaning my house to playing ball with my toddler. Everything plays a part in the artwhole of human life, every experience is necessary to paint the whole canvas of your life. God paints the beauty around you, and in time it shifts and changes but it is always beautiful. This is Time is Art for me. 


Time is Art! Share Your Vision!

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Time is Art