One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #83

Mariela Maya

Photo Collage of artist Mariela Maya, author of "Practical Guide to the Tzolkin"

What is your artform and/or vision?

In Quechua, the language of the Incas, Chakaruna means “bridge person”. As a Yellow Electric Star Chakaruna, my art is based on different traditions such as Andean, Mayan, Native American and from other indigenous origins.

Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?

My main artistic inspiration is Pachamama, Mother Earth, and especially butterflies. I love being outdoors admiring and experiencing Nature’s beauty and feeling part of it. When I allow myself to be still, breathe and consciously connect with my own core and the Web of Life, art manifests!

What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

“Time is Art” is the way we co-create and experience our reality. It’s when we do what we love and love what we do where everything gets a deeper meaning and purpose. It broadens our perspective on who we are and what we are here to do, and it expands our hearts and minds to feel and think differently. As pure soul expression, Art brings us back to our essence and the universe of endless possibilities. “Time is Art” bridges our spiritual and human nature, giving us freedom and a sense of adventurous timelessness. When living in this creative flow and in sync with one’s natural rhythms, we feel interconnected with all that is and whatever we do becomes a ritual. Together, when living “Time is Art”, we bring more beauty into the world!

How Mariela Maya’s Book Manifested

After almost two decades of journeying with the Tzolkin/13Moon calendar and experiencing its inherent power as a tool for self-empowerment, growth and transformation, Mariela has been sharing her experiences and knowledge with other explorers who have been looking for guidance on their paths towards conscious living and self-actualization.

Nowadays, fueled by a lifetime of travels, she acts as a bridge between the worlds by combining different forms of ancient wisdom, native traditions, shamanic practices and ceremonies in a singularly unique practice focused on awakening consciousness in people that are seeking meaning and purpose in their lives.

Her own story is a wonderful example of how people get separated from their essence somewhere along the way and what they can do to return to their authentic selves.

Mariela was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on the Day out of Time. She grew up in Brazil and was very connected to Nature and the energy world, constantly exploring and playing with colors, shapes and textures. By using her endless imagination, she was always creating something new and different in her “bubble”. Everything was magical! Over time, while studying, working in the corporate world and getting her Masters degree, she lost that innate connection and became separated from her spiritual self. One of her lifelong dreams was to become a diplomat so she could “change the world”. However, as she continued to develop her skillset towards that goal, she came to the realization that she had to transform herself first…

<<In 1999 I started asking myself who I truly was and what I was here to do. I was married to a good man, had a great job and lived in a beautiful house, but I was just not happy and couldn't explain why. I had everything I wanted, but that vacuum within me was asking for something else, and in that moment I had no clue what it could be.

A dear friend introduced me to a loving practitioner of astrology, reiki and flower therapy that could facilitate my "search" in alternative ways. Before one of our first sessions, while waiting in the lobby of her studio, I saw a magazine that said “Year of the White Resonant Wizard, from July 26 to July 24”. I wondered why my date of birth was not included, so when I asked her what it meant, she explained it was somehow related to the Mayan Calendar, and referred me to a person that could help me find the answer.

I immediately called her after my session. As soon as I said over the phone that I was born on July 25, she got very excited and wanted to see me right away... she explained that she had been in this journey for many years and had never met a person born on the Day out of Time! Oh, wow, I told her, "it seems that I’ve been missing something important that I was not aware of"! Needless to say, I went to see her straight away and she was the person that introduced me to the Tzolkin/13Moon calendar, which in turn would have such a profound impact on me during my journey to find the answers that I was looking for.

The Universe facilitated guides and opportunities on my path that helped me to change the course of my life! Over time, through encounters with the most amazing teachers and students, I came to realize how I had lost my connection with the web of life, and how I could recover my power by way of reconnecting with Pachamama, expressing my soul creativity in art and handcrafts, and synchronizing with natural time through the Tzolkin/13Moon calendar. Sometimes we don’t know how things will unfold, but we do know when we are ready for a change…>>


And so the beautiful and inspiring work of Jose Argüelles and the Law of Time based on the ancient Mayan wisdom of time and cycles, became one of the pillars of Mariela’s conscious journey. Through the years, she developed her own style of connecting with and using the Tzolkin/13Moon calendar in a very practical and down-to-earth way that is easy to understand and apply for all, especially for those who are just opening up to this magical and empowering journey.

This simple and pragmatic approach is the basis of her book “Practical Guide to the Tzolkin”, which is a reflection of the way Mariela has been using it for almost two decades. You can find the book here.

Find Mariela Maya on the Web:

Time is Art