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Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - Issue #27

Welcome to the Self-Existing Moon 2012 Edition of the Noos-letter!

[Owl]Welcome to the Self-Existing Owl Moon of Form of the Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time! This is the fourth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

We are at an accelerated time in the evolution of consciousness where the underlying form of our perception is shifting. We are transitioning from a third-dimensional perspective of timespace into fourth/fifth-dimensional perspective.

As we collectively make this transition, it is not like the third dimension disappears (though it could), but according to your consciousness you begin to see and experience reality differently. In other words for any given timespace reality there are many overlapping parallel realities that exist simultaneously. You enter into these different parallel realities according to your level of consciousness which registers as a vibrational frequency.

The seeds of consciousness are present in all created forms, and are constantly pressing us upward, toward expansion into greater light. The Law of Time demonstrates how the entire universe is actually a vibrating, pulsating, resonant field with mathematical structures connecting everything with everything. We are all an integral part of one vast interconnected synchronic web.

As we raise our vibration we come into awareness of different beings both physical and non-physical, as well as knowledge that we would not have previously encountered until we were at the proper vibrational level. Those on a path of conscious evolution seek to surround themselves with kin of similar vibration, or higher, as we are here to evolve and expand beyond our current limitations.

In the wavespell, the fourth tone (and fourth moon) represents the first stage of the third-dimensional mind pulsar. Mind is understood as the medium for channeling different types of energy and consciousness; it is a link that connects our third-dimensional body with the invisible fourth/fifth-dimensional world.

This Moon's totem animal is owl, the wise bird of the night symbolizing mystery and prophecy, often associated with magicians and wizards. Owl brings the power to penetrate the hidden mysteries, whispering to us the secrets to release light from matter (darkness), freeing our consciousness from the entrapment of the physical world.

Form is how a self-evolving universe makes its intrinsic structures perceptible.

[Owl Cosmos Tzolkin]

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Self-Existing Moon-At-A-Glance

Self-Existing Moon At-A-Glance Link to Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood - Istanbul, Turkey Link to Moon Phases for Rhythmic Wizard Year Link to Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood - Istanbul, Turkey Untie the Knots Ceremony description Link to Rainbow Bridge Meditation Instructions

Announcing: Fully-Coded interactive 13 Moon Calendar with All Codes of the Law of Time! Click here to see the current moon

Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Synchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on a mathematical matrix. This matrix is the primary structure that connects all events, people and reality as we know it. The more we tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order. This is the purpose of the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. The following are some examples of how the synchronic order can be read on a day-to-day basis. If you are new to this please see the 13 Moon tutorial.

Self-Existing Moon of Form, Moon 4 of 13 Moons (18 Oct – 14 Nov, 2012)

The Self-Existing Moon is the fourth and final stage of establishing the base of action for our annual planetary service. Having identified our purpose, the obstacles, and the service - in the Self-Existing Moon we now identify the form. What is the form my service will take?

So again, if our purpose is to activate the noosphere, then to choose the form we must let the creative power take over - for there are an infinite number of forms this could take!

This is because the noosphere is activated simply by reflecting upon the noosphere. Especially study Manifesto for the Noosphere by José Argüelles, as well as the Noosphere II section of our website. Take time this Moon to contemplate the noosphere and see what visions come to you - how do you imagine life will be when the noosphere is activated? How do you imagine its activation?

A very powerful practice is to sit together in a group and meditate deeply upon the rainbow bridge around the Earth. Once your meditation is complete, then begin to imagine, together, what life in the noosphere will be like! For this Moon also corresponds to Kin 199, Blue Self-Existing Storm - which says, "I define in order to catalyze" - by defining the form our noospheric activation will take, we will be the ones who catalyze our next stage of evolution!

Like the Spectral Moon of last year, this Self-Existing Moon has a very balanced symmetry, where the first day of the Moon is the last day of the Blue Monkey Wavespell of Magic, the next 26 days encompass both the Yellow Seed Wavespell of Flowering and the Red Earth Wavespell of Navigation, and the final day of the Moon is the first day of the White Dog Wavespell of Love.

Also note that the Omega GAP Run (10 days of Galactic Activation Portals in a row) is contained entirely within the Yellow Seed Wavespell of Flowering, which begins on Kin 144...

Self-Existing Moon Weekly Codons

  • Week 1 (Initiate): Codon 24, Radiant Return - "Way of Wielding Power Ascends to Heaven"
  • Week 2 (Refine): Codon 32, Mind Enduring - "Binary Order Defines Movement of Space"
  • Week 3 (Transform): Codon 34, Prayer - "Mind Informed by Cosmic Order"
  • Week 4 (Ripen): Codon 55, Wisdom Arousing - "Telepathy Becomes Time Travel"

This set of Codons is a fascinating set of clues for defining our form of activating the noosphere: By surrendering our "power" to Heaven we radiantly return to our essences - remaining in this clear space our clear mind endures, only to learn the truth of the binary order of the cosmos. Our mind is then informed by this cosmic order so that we may telepathically time travel to the future and bring the future noosphere to the present!

Introducing the 52 Heptad Paths of the Hunab Ku 21

[Hunab Ku 21 Superstructure Meditation]The Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Superstructure of the 20+1 galactic archetypes also contains 52 paths which activate each of the 52 weeks (heptads) of the year. This Moon we activate Heptads 13-16:

  • Heptad 13: Spirit evolves prophecy
  • Heptad 14: Magic awakens prophecy
  • Heptad 15: Wisdom transmits prophecy
  • Heptad 16: Awareness evolves timelessness

Note the emphasis on prophecy and that the Yellow Seed Wavespell (in the first half of this Moon) begins on Kin 144 - day of the release of the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan.

Kin 143Dali 1 - Kin 143, Blue Cosmic Night (18 Oct)

Welcome to the Self-Existing Moon! This Moon marks the return of the Sixth Lost Generation: Blue Self-Existing Storm. Today begins the 13th week of the 13 Moon year.

Kin 144Seli 2 - Kin 144, Yellow Magnetic Seed (19 Oct)

Begin Yellow Seed Wavespell, Power of Flowering (Ends Self-Existing 14/Oct 31). It was in the early morning of Kin 144 (July 26, 1993) that José Argüelles/Valum Votan received the the telepathic terma of Pacal Votan, summarized by the single word which thundered across his mind: TEL ECH TON ON - the Telektonon Prophecy. A detailed account of this revelation can be found in 2012: Biography of a Time Traveler by Stephanie South.

Kin 146Kali 4 - Kin 146, White Electric Worldbridger (21 Oct)

Today begins the "Omega GAP Run" of the Tzolkin - the second set of 10 days in a row of galactic activation portals (GAPs). Today is also the Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Kin 149Silio 7 - Kin 149, Red Rhythmic Moon (24 Oct)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Alpha 12 - Kin 154, White Spectral Wizard (29 Oct)

Full Moon and galactic activation portal day.

Silio 14 - Kin 156, Yellow Cosmic Warrior (31 Oct)

All Hallow's Eve and Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Dali 15 - Kin 157, Red Magnetic Earth (1 Nov)

Day of the Dead, All Saint's Day and Mevlana Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood (Istanbul).

Begin Red Earth Wavespell, Power of Navigation (Ends Self-Existing 27/Nov 13).

Today also begins the 52-day Yellow Southern Castle of Giving (Kin 157-208), Court of Intelligence - this castle takes us all the way to the closing of the great cycle of history on Blue Crystal Hand, Rhythmic 9/Dec 21 and ends the following day on Yellow Cosmic Star, Rhythmic 10/Dec 22 …

Gamma 17 - Kin 159, Blue Electric Storm (3 Nov)

Today begins the 6th 20-day Vinal of the Year: Xul - "Where with great wisdom a seed is sown..." Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Silio 21 - Kin 163, Blue Resonant Night (7 Nov)

260 days until Day Out of Time 2013, eve of the Launching of Timeship Earth 2013. Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Kali 25 - Kin 167, Blue Spectral Hand (11 Nov)

Jain New Year and galactic signature of Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma, the hugging saint). Kundalini master Yoga Bhajan often told his students that today (11/11/2012) would be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. He gave 5 precepts for the Aquarian age:

  1. Recognize the other person is you (In Lak'ech)
  2. There is a way through every block.
  3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.
  4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
  5. Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path.

Alpha 26 - Kin 168, Yellow Crystal Star (12 Nov)

Galactic activation portal day. We are all children of the stars...

Limi 27 - Kin 169, Red Cosmic Moon (13 Nov)

New Moon + Cosmic Moon. Today Kin 169 is the 13th day of the 13th wavespell (13 x 13 = 169).

Last Total Solar Eclipse before 21 Dec 2012: Globally synchronized meditation for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012.

Silio 28 - Kin 170, White Magnetic Dog (14 Nov)

Begin White Dog Wavespell, Power of Love (Ends Overtone 12/Nov 26). Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 ( Being day 28 of the Moon, we practice the fully amplified rainbow bridge meditation.

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