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13 Moon Calendar

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Annual Read-Out and UR Rune Codes
Solar Ring of the Blue Resonant Storm, 2012-2013

Rinri Code: Respect yourself and do the same for others.

Cycle closes as rainbow of universal wisdom.

This is the final year of the Self-Existing Seed–Resonant Storm Seed-Storm year bundle (2009-2013), the final four-year bundle of the Sixteen Year Cube of the Law. It is a momentous year, when the Great Cycle Closes and the new cycle begins.

Moons 1-5 complete the last of the 7 Lost Generations of Pacal Votan that began in the Crystal Moon of the Rhythmic Wizard year. Note that the seven last whole moons of 2012 = 7 Lost Generations of Telektonon of Pacal Votan. 

In the sixth moon of this year the Earth passes out of the 5,125-year galactic synchronization beam. The purpose of the beam is to place Earth in synchronization with the universal plan for cosmic unification. The peak point of the synchronization occurs Rhythmic Moon 9, Kin 207. (Careful attention should be paid to the 7:7::7:7 practices based on the four sets of fractal time compression cycles which hold keys to the closing of the cycle).

Following the Rhythmic “Moon Out of Time,” there is a seven moon (216-day) entrainment in the beam that completes itself on Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed, 26 July 2013.

Also in terms of the Sixteen Year Cube of the Law, this year we complete the final stage of the four-year Seed-Storm bundle, 2009-2013, referred to as: 

One Mystic Altar within the Mystic Stone – TELEKTONON

In the formula of the Riddle of the Stone, the spiritual cosmic evolutionary key to the four years of the Mystic Altar lies in the formula of the magical word TEL-EK-TON-ON. It is this mantric code that creates the mystic altar of time. The mystic stone is the new foundation of universal time that underlies the noosphere.

  1. TEL – 4 Seed year, 2009-2010, Power of the Distant Seers – Skywalker Cube 13.
  2. EK – 5 Moon year, 2010-2011, Power of the Star Born to Remember – Wizard Cube 14.
    Seven Years Mystery of the Stone complete—Restoration of cosmic memory to the noosphere.
  3. TON – 6 Wizard year, 2011-2012, Power of Sound to Become Vision – Eagle Cube 15 – First Alpha stage of UR, magical powers and abilities begin to return.
  4. ON – 7 Storm year, 2012-2013, 144,000 cubed within – Warrior Cube 16 – Second Omega stage of UR, entrainment of the new cosmology of the Cube, redemption of the ratio interval of 7 as the dawning of the 7th Day of Creation, triumph of the noosphere.

It is important to understand that the word TEL-EK-TON-ON is a magical mantric formula. This mantric formula vibrates through the four years of the Mystic Altar as the intonation of the Hunab Ku, the final hyper-sound generated by the 5,125-year synchronization beam. It is this sound that provides the resonant quickening for the quantum shift of the Harmonic Convergence 2012.

The Riddle of the Stone continues after the intonation of the word TEL-EK-TON-ON with the following invocation, essential to understanding the wholly spiritual nature of the final four-year cycle of the Sixteen Year Cube of the Law:

Six seers listen
While the seventh utters
The name far distant star born
Bound by no god but the ONE
Whose name is beyond knowing

The name far distant star born is of course TEL-EK-TON-ON. Those who are listening to this intonation are the six seers – the three special messengers of the Awakening: Buddha, Christ, and Muhammad; and the three special voices: Padmasambhava, St. John of Patmos and Quetzalcoatl. The seventh that intones the distant star born name is Pacal Votan.

The Resonant Storm year is thus coded by the last mantric syllable “ON”, the indestructible power of the 144,000 within the Cube: New Heaven, New Earth, Divine Self-Perfection. With the mantra “ON”, we evoke the indestructible power of the 144,000 within the Cube.

Through the Planetary Manitou the 144,000 cubed within the cube of their own divine self-perfection walk simply on the Earth as wizards of a time now unknown to all but them.

The Planetary Manitou is the self-realized world soul that pervades the natural world, the Noosphere. It represents the wiring of the galactic brain on earth and the psi bank which activates and “lights up” because of conscientious activity that connects together the star bundles, the runes the codons, etc.  This entire program has for its purpose the laying of the foundation for a fundamental reorganization of the mind—everything is a function of a mathematical harmonic or order.

This 144,000 within the cube completes the final year of the final cycle of self-perfection in the 13:20 timing frequency. Note that if you add up all the codon values of the four quadrants of the four UR runes, they equal 144. (24 + 32 + 40 + 48 = 144!)

Now is the time to apply everything you know like never before; purify the body and mind and return to the simplicity of the organic order and the universal rhythms of 13:20 time. This year we are called to exert in the telepathic practices that we began in the Self-Existing Seed Year.

The purpose of these practices is: 1) To strengthen the telepathic Earth network – the goal of the CREST13, and 2) To establish extra-terrestrial communication, that is, to connect with the galactic intelligence that encompasses the solar-terrestrial psycho-magnetic field.

This year completes the final activation of the Nine Great Lha or Bolontiku, the Nine Lords of Time that guard the tomb of Pacal Votan, the whole earth and the new time. Each one guards a power of the divine perfection in the unconscious during the years 2004-2013.

This year we awaken the ninth great Lha, Primordial Knowing Body Lha, the one who closes the cycle as the Rainbow of Universal Wisdom and activates Shambhalla on Earth.

The ninth and final Great Lha brings the message: “The old ways are over. The aeon is passing. The solar age of the Sixth Sun of consciousness, the noosphere, is dawning. We are not I but we are one. We are in the new way of the cosmic Earth.”

Message from Valum Votan for 7 Storm year:

We must energetically now leave the old behind us. Its habits, ways of life, intoxicating illusions and seductions are like a pile of dead leaves, which at the right moment will be caught up by a cyclone to be swirled and dispersed forever. Don’t be swept along with the old when this wind arises! Purify now!

Note: The 216-day cycle (22 Dec. – 26 July) is a time of planetary spiritual unification  and integration. This is the time that will form a new evolutionary embryonic being, that will germinate for seven mystic moons (Moons 7-13), before giving birth to itself on July 26, 2013 with the Return of the People of OMA (Original Matrix Attained) and launching of Timeship Earth 2013. These seven moons occur altogether within the 216-day cycle of the cubing of the Earth (see Galactic Spiral Density Wave and 2012: The Final Cycles of Transformation).

The Oracle: Blue Resonant Storm Year, Kin 59

Kin 59 - Fifth Force Oracle

I channel in order to catalyze
Inspiring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of magic

Within the Mystery of the Stone we now find ourselves deep within the fabled time tunnels, as we exit New Jerusalem of Mt. UR, realm of the 8th Bolontinku, Awesome Blowing Six Turquoise Winds, and enter the time tunnel of Shambhala in Mt. OMA, realm of the 9th Bolontiku, Primordial Knowing Body Lha. Lha means “Mountain peak at the dawn when it first receives the light.”

The Ninth and final Bolontiku signifies: “1) The Lha or Spirit of the Earth; 2) Invocation of the Earth to the Sun; 3) What the Sun answers; and 4) transformation of the Earth.” (HPB, Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2. P. 22).

The Island of Inner Time heralds the dawning of the New Solar Age, 2013 and beyond. But if you do not make this journey, the journey will not take you. Apply yourself in knowledge now!

The purpose of the 2012 prophecy, logged in at (692 AD) is fulfilled by the Mystery of the Stone, which is established on the foundation of the power of  nine – the Bolontiku – and the power of thirteen – the Oxlahuntiku, Lords of Cosmic Time and Cosmic Presence, represented by 13 Moons/13 baktuns or one Ring of time.

The seven rings of Middle Time (2004-2011) represented the rehabilitation of the interval of lost time in Eternity (7), the realignment of human history with Cosmic History, and the transitional shift between 12:60 and 13:20 time.

The Closing of the Cycle is an evolutionary shift. It is a rare opportunity to experience such shifts. An evolutionary shift in consciousness is a cosmic event which can only be experienced consciously with a mind that knows itself. In such a mind there is no room for fantasies or conjectures. Once the mind has been tamed, returned to its own beginning, much can be revealed. To know the mind you must first of all submit yourself completely to a Higher Power. And then you have to give something up. It takes time to know the mind, so that means you have to shift some priorities. Real spiritual discipline requires extertion, otherwise you never leave the comfortable, familiar mental tape loops which you call yourself.
—Closer of the Cycle

In the oracle, the Blue Resonant Storm (SP Pluto) completes the first harmonic of Harmonic Convergence Spin 36. Blue Resonant Storm, Kin 59, represents the bardo between the disincarnation (Kin 58) and birth (Kin 60) of Pacal Votan. It is also Codon 59 that codes heptad 22 in which the cycle closes (Rhythmic 9, Kin 207). Codon 59 is Dissolving: Galactic Octave Sounds Mind of Space.

The fifth force oracle consists of: the guide kin 7 Monkey (SP Venus), Kin 111; the analog 7 Sun (GK Pluto), Kin 20; and the antipode 7 Moon (GK Mercury), Kin 189; along with the occult 7 Wind (GK Uranus), Kin 202.

The layout of this oracle on the 28-day Telektonon circuit indicates a big reconnection of the first circuit: the Alpha-Omega recharge, restoration of solar/galactic metaconscious. This Telektonon circuit is the proper form and structure of movement of time as it relates to the larger sphere on the interplanetary circuit, which is knowable on Earth through the biotelepathic 28-day circuit.

Of course the Resonant tone further emphasizes transformation through direct attunement to realize a new way of being that is radiating from the self-generative inner core. The occult seal, 7 Wind, indicates a new channel of spirit communication opening. 

In the Hunab Ku 21 galactic archetypes, the Blue Resonant Storm can be read as follows: The energy of the Resonant Worldchanger is guided by the Magician; supported by the Enlightened One; challenged/strengthened by the Healer; and receives hidden help from the Spirit Essence/High Priestess.

The Day Out of Time, Blue Resonant Night, Kin 163 (GK Saturn), is the Dream sign that opens the spiritual abundance of Galactic Synchronization. 

In the codes of the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time we are now in the sixteenth year of the Sixteen Year Cube of the Law, and the thirteenth year of the cycle of the Second Creation. By fractal time analogy we are passing through the years –4487 to –3187, Second Creation fulfilled, universal redemption becomes way of evolution. Southern Star Quadrant, Divine Source Telektonon.

 “ON” is the 8th stage of the Way of Wielding Power, 16th star bundle Cosmic Awareness invokes CA Planetary Manitou: Galactic Brain on Earth: 2013, Heaven on Earth. This occurs in the Warrior Wavespell (16) SP Saturn where we radialize the tunnels connecting Heaven and Earth. Here, the cube harmonics become inseparable from chromocellular activation. 

This year also marks entrance into the sixteenth and final cube position: the Warrior Intelligence Cube position of the great Telektonon, Camelot fulfilled in the Yellow Southern Castle, Court of Giving.

Galactic Camelot or Shambhala represents the mythic fourth-dimensional kingdom where true loyalty, understanding and service is completely reestablished on earth. In this cycle of Camelot, universal redemption becomes the way of evolution.

Note: In the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time and the 7:7::7:7 practices of the synchronic order there are definitions of the Seven Last moons of the 13 baktuns, the Moon out of Time, and the seven Mystic moons. These are derived from the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, which defines a cycle of 208 Moons or 832 weeks to accommodate the 832 13-stage permutations of the 64 DNA codons (I Ching hexagrams) – 64 x 13 = 832 = 16 x 52.  The 832 permutations are exactly the same as the number of weeks in the sixteen year cycle from July 26, 1997 through July 25, 2013.

The whole point of telepathically engaging the 20 Tablets is to take us to a place where have been before, only this time, rather than having the 12:60 beam hit, we’ve been taken through history, redeemed and baptized in the New Time and given the opportunity to pick up a parallel universe.

In this way, 20 Tablets lays out a 16-year program to give the humans a system to reorganize their life and mind in accordance with the synchronic order of fourth dimensional time.

“Picking up the thread of Bolon Ik’s ninth weaving, the vision of the Primordial Knowing Body Lha, do I declare: By my Warrior power of Intelligence and the Mystic letter “R” may the Rainbow Bridge of prophecy be realized as Excalibur, the fearlessness of the Nine Lords of Time! May the 144,000 take command that UR may prevail as Heaven on Earth!”

UR Rune and Codon Codes, Blue Resonant Storm Ring

Weeks 1-13. Red Eastern Quarter: Way of Wielding Power Ascends to Heaven –
Codon 24, Radiant Return – Way of Wielding Power, stage Eight

Codon/UR Rune 23This rune is the exact inverse of codon 23, Mind’s Release that began the first quarter of the Rhythmic Wizard year. In the eight-stage process of the runes and codons, Way of Wielding Power Ascends to Heaven represents (as do the other 3 runes for this year) the final phase of the final four CA (Cosmic Awareness) rune strands – in this case, the third strand: Way of Wielding Power. Note that the AC and CA have different flows, which create a magnetic reversal.

In this rune, orange in color, we see a vertical line with two prongs at the bottom like a tree grounding its energy while the vertical axis, the trunk, ascends to heaven as it reaches for the Sun, hence Radiant Return.

Rooted in the Earth, the vertical axis serves as an energy conductor from the core of the Earth to the heavens. This is a metaphor for the humans as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth.

Codon 24, Radiant Return: Here we have the Space (Earth) triplet in the position above, while the Energy (Thunder) triplet is below. This is a powerful configuration where the yang line grounds the energy below while five yin lines above ascend for the heavens.

In the binary letters we have radiance below, space in the center and space at the top. Space between radiance and space brings about Radiant Return.

This codon was the subject of a Pink Floyd song called Chapter 24, which also illustrates the supreme power of seven. See also CHC Vol. 3: "Pink Floyd and Lost Planet Analphs". The lyrics sum up this Codon 24:

All movement is accomplished in six stages 

And the seventh brings return. 

The seven is the number of the young light 

It forms when darkness is increased by one. 

Change returns success 

Going and coming without error. 

Action brings good fortune. 


The time is with the month of winter solstice 

When the change is due to come. 

Thunder in the other course of heaven. 

Things cannot be destroyed once and for all. 

Change returns success 

Going and coming without error. 

Action brings good fortune. 

Sunset, sunrise. 

The commentary of Codon 24 in the radial Galactic I Ching (see CHC Vol. 6) reads:

What? The Moon has just returned!
Without effort mind ascends a moonbeam to the heavenly earth
What power can be equal to the space of the moon?

Weeks 14-26. White Northern Quarter: Binary Order Defines Movement of Space –
Codon 32, Mind Enduring – Way of the Transcendent Fourth, stage Eight

Codon/UR Rune 31Once Radiant Return has been established we enter a period of Mind Enduring, where we stabilize and define the new movements in space.

In this Rune we see two luminous green parallel vertical lines contained within a square or cube representing the parallel reality of the cosmic cube. This image signifies the cubing of the binary order of reality and represents the second of the two-phase binary synthesis of the fourth UR strand rune. The Way of the Transcendent Fourth is the refinement of Cosmic Awareness as the way of wielding power. It is the divine perfection of mind in time.

Codon 32, Mind Enduring: Here we have the Breath triplet below and Energy triplet above in the telepathic position. This creates the image of wind below and thunder above. The traditional I Ching says: The superior man stands firm and does not change his direction. It is within this codon that the cycle is closed.

This codon consists of the mind binary letter below, the time letter in the middle and a space letter at top. When time is between mind and space, this is Mind Enduring. This is the time for Earth Wizard’s to contemplate the momentousness of having reached the conclusion of the Great Cycle.

Note: The ninth heptad of this quarter, including Rhythmic 9, Kin 207 (December 21, 2012), is coded by weekly Codon 59: Dissolving, Galactic Octave Sounds Mind of Space (see 7:7::7:7). The commentary to the second line, which corresponds precisely to the Solstice AD 2012 reads:

At the dissolution
He hurries to that which supports him.
Remorse disappears.

The 7:7:7:7 Telektonon Revelation states: “That which supports is the spiritual sustenance that submission to the will of God alone can give. The Cycle closes, only to bring the great preparation for the initiation of the next cycle, some Seven Moons hence. The true Solar Age now dawns. The enlightenment of Velatropa 24.3 complete, the local star Kinich Ahau prepares for its next stage of excitation: galactic synchronization, the thirteen-dimensional ripple of divine bliss to be experienced as the UNITY unfettered.”

The commentary of Codon 32 in the radial Galactic I Ching reads:

Right and left, the breath intertwined descends
Exhaled, a thunderclap unifies the mind
Transforming the two into one, the yogi dissolves in space.

Weeks 27-39. Blue Western Quarter: Cosmic Order Returns to Heart of Earth –
Codon 40, Heart’s Release – Way of the Irresistible Fifth, stage Eight

Codon/UR Rune 39In the third quarter UR Rune, Cosmic Order Returns to Heart of Earth, a small cross is enclosed in a cube of time, both dark green in color. This eighth stage synthesis of UR Rune Strand 5 represents the release of the natural order of time back into the heart of the Earth to ground a new reality.

This quarter’s Codon 40, Heart’s Release, marks the first full quarter within the 2013 year of the New Cycle.

Above is the Energy triplet in the telepathic position and below is the Heart/Moon triplet in the sensory position, closing out the final stage of the Way of the Irresistible Fifth—the way of wielding power through the perfection of cosmic order.

Note that the psi bank order creates the Planetary Manitou of Aboriginal Continuity (AC) and Cosmic Awareness (CA). AC is also referred to as the Way of Conduct. CA is the way of Wielding Power. The Way of Conduct is the way of behaving galactically. You cannot wield power until you have proper conduct. The reason for wielding power is to further evolution and the mutation of the biogenic migration of atoms and the mutational point that corresponds to the advent of the noosphere.

In terms of binary letters, this Codon is constructed of a Mind binary letter below, mind at center and space above. Mind between mind and space brings about Heart’s Release.

The commentary of Codon 30 in the radial Galactic I Ching reads:

New Moon enters the way of the Sun
Heart illumined, mind expands
Lightning flashes across the mind; the cosmic dream awakened.

Weeks 40-52. Yellow Southern Quarter: Architectonics Releases Order of Whole –
Codon 48, Reaching the Source – Way of Dynamic Construction, stage Eight

Codon/UR Rune 47With just 13 weeks to go before Galactic Synchronization, Reaching the Source completes the second stage of binary synthesis of the sixth UR Rune strand. The circle encloses the process of dynamic construction making its symmetrical architecture complete and allowing it to be released into the order of the whole.

The Codon for this quarter, number 48, Reaching the Source, in the traditional I Ching is The Well. Here we have the Wind/Wood in the lower position and Water above. The wood goes down into the earth to bring up the water: Thus the superior man/woman encourages the people at their work and exhorts them to help one another.

This period of incubation before the new beam commences is the time for the full activation of seventh ray ceremonial magic. “The energy of the seventh ray is the potent agent of initiation which is taken on the physical plane, that is during the process of the first initiation. Its effect on humanity will be to bring about the birth of Christ consciousness among the mass of intelligent human beings.” (Alice Bailey, Kin 199)

This completes the final phase of the final four CA runes. Planetary Manitou complete.

In terms of binary letters, this Codon is constructed of a mind binary letter below, radiance binary letter in the middle and another radiance letter on top. When radiance is between mind and radiance that is Reaching the Source.

The meaning of this is that mind grounded in earth radiates out from the core into the cosmic order.

The commentary of Codon 48 in the radial Galactic I Ching reads:

Within one breath, the whole of cosmic time
Finding the center create the map
Locate the origin of mind

Prepare for the New Beam!


Red Queen on behalf of Valum Votan/Galactic Research Institute
Planetary Moon 8: Rhythmic Wizard year. Kin 213, Red Overtone Skywalker.