Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - Yellow Crystal Seed Year - Issue #97

Welcome to the 2018 Resonant Monkey Moon Edition of the Noos-letter

[Monkey]Welcome to the Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, the seventh moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

We have now entered the halfway mark of the Crystal Seed year. The 15th day of the Resonant Moon (January 24) marks the 79th solar return of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan. Seven days later is the Lunar Eclipse.

In light of disclosure and release into the mainstream news of the Pentagon's secret multimillion dollar UFO program, here are words witten by Valum Votan in a document entitled, Who are the ETs? Are They Already Among Us?

Any consideration of UFOs raises serious questions concerning the limits of human perception and knowledge, at least as these perceptions and knowledge have been shaped by a civilization following a distorted and materialistic timing frequency. That is, we only see what we have been conditioned to know. If something beyond our conditioned knowledge manifests itself to our perceptions, we are frightened and challenged. We will project on to the unknown phenomenon according to our levels of understanding and enlightenment. If our knowledge and perceptual capacity is limited to material phenomena – the third dimension or physical plane – whatever penetrates that veil will be labeled as we have labeled the UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects.

However, UFOs are only UFOs as long as we limit our knowledge to a third-dimensional materialism conditioned by a false and artificial timing frequency. A few among us, however may be instrumented to go beyond the label to the inner experience of the phenomena. What then are we dealing with? And who are the ETs?

Yes, the universe is far vaster in intelligence and dimensionality than that to which we have conditioned and limited ourselves. There is a comprehensive light of holistic knowledge, a higher coordinating intelligence, and a grand galactic council presided by the nine lords of time and destiny who abide only by supreme divine law. In fact, it is because the present Earth civilization based on a manifest error in time has veered in the direction of complete planetary self-destruction that the UFO-ET phenomenon has occurred at all. And at the same time, everything that is occurring is part of a divine unfolding, a divine plan.

Holistic knowing, supreme superconscious intelligence is capable of being all-pervasive and omnipresent. This type of advanced evolutionary intelligence is possible because it is not fettered by the encumbrances of a false and deceptive timing frequency.

If the present race of Earthlings in its present condition were suddenly liberated from operating by a mechanical clock and erroneous calendar that keeps them enslaved to a Babylonian lottery of material addictions, they would experience their consciousness as ETs. The ETs are the manifestations of the possibilities of consciousness operating in spiritual freedom dedicated solely to the spiritual enlightenment of all that is.

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13 Moon Calendar Essentials by Jacob Rhythmic DragonThe Galactic Mayan Weather Academy - by Mark BentleyIntrodução ao Sincronário das 13 Luas by FLAVIA MOTTATravel Through Time - by VasumiHosting an online 13 Moon course or group? Contact us.


[13 Moon calendar]

Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Resonant Moon - Crystal Seed Year

You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!

[Seal & Tone]Dali 1 - Kin 232, Yellow Spectral Human (10 Jan)

Welcome to the Resonant Moon! The Resonant Moon this year has two galactic activation portal days.

Current cycles recap:

Year (365-day cycle): Yellow Crystal Seed Year
Spin (260-day cycle): 42nd Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count
Season (65-day cycle): Red Serpent Season of Life Force: Red Galactic Spectrum (ends this Moon...)
Castle (52-day cycle): Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix - Synchronize Human
Moon (28-day cycle): Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement
Wavespell (13-day cycle): White Wind Wavespell of Spirit

[Seal & Tone]Kali 4 - Kin 235, Blue Magnetic Eagle (13 Jan)

[Image showing the 52 kin and 4 wavespells of the Green Central Castle of Enchantment][Image of Wavespell]Today begins the 13-day Blue Eagle Wavespell of Vision, the 19th Wavespell of the tzolkin and the blue/transforming Wavespell of the 52-day Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix: Eagle tribe transforms enchantment through power of vision. Truth of solar Jupiter Remembered...

This wavespell will end on Kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand (Day 16 of this Moon / 25 Jan).

[Seal & Tone]Dali 8 - Kin 239, Blue Overtone Storm (17 Jan)

New Moon and galactic activation portal!

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 10 - Kin 241, Red Resonant Dragon (19 Jan)

Galactic activation portal!

[Seal & Tone]Silio 14 - Kin 245, Red Spectral Serpent (23 Jan)

[Image of Green Central Castle of Enchantment]Today is a Pacal Votan Clear Sign.

The Sarcophagus Lid of Pacal Votan, showing 13 clear signs and their location on the lid's edge. This Moon includes three different Clear Sign Days...

[Seal & Tone]Dali 15 - Kin 246, White Crystal Worldbridger (24 Jan)

Today would have been the 79th birthday of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan...

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 17 - Kin 248, Yellow Magnetic Star (26 Jan)

[Image showing the 52 kin and 4 wavespells of the Green Central Castle of Enchantment][Image of Wavespell]Today begins the 13-day Yellow Star Wavespell of Elegance, the 20th and final Wavespell of the tzolkin and the yellow/ripening Wavespell of the 52-day Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix: Star tribe ripens enchantment through power of elegance. Truth of galactic Venus remembered ...

This wavespell will end on Kin 260, Yellow Cosmic Sun (Galactic Moon 1 / 7 Feb). The next day begins a whole new 260-Kin Galactic Spin!

[Seal & Tone]Dali 22 - Kin 253, Red Rhythmic Skywalker (31 Jan)

Full Moon, Supermoon, Lunar Eclipse.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 28 - Kin 259, Blue Crystal Storm (6 Feb)

Fully amplified rainbow bridge meditation for universal peace!

Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge Visualization

Heptad Path Codes for the Resonant Moon

In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Resonant Moon:

[Chart showing Hunab Ku 21 grid with Heptad Paths for this Moon highlighted]Red Week 1 - Initiate
[Earth Seal][Mirror Seal]Heptad 25: Navigation synchronizes Meditation (Resonant Moon 1-7 / Jan 10-16)

White Week 2 - Refine
[Mirror Seal][Storm Seal]Heptad 26: Meditation reflects Self-Generation (Resonant Moon 8-14 / Jan 17-23)

Blue Week 3 - Transform
[Storm Seal][Sun Seal]Heptad 27: Self-Generation catalyzes Enlightenment (Resonant Moon 15-21 / Jan 24-30)

Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
[Sun Seal][Earth Seal]Heptad 28: Enlightenment illumines Navigation (Resonant Moon 22-28 / Jan 31 - Feb 6)

In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Resonant Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where the "Inner Matrix" resides. In the 13-tone cosmology it is the Resonant tone that is the spine or central channel or sushumna. It is very interesting then that the Resonant Moon makes this central portal in the Hunab Ku 21... Learn more in Book of the Timespace, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V.

[Diagram showing basic structure of Vulom magnetic attraction force field meditation]

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