About José Argüelles/Valum Votan Rainbow Bridge

Law of Time

The 64 Codons and UR Runes

The biological information contained in the six line I Ching codons govern all of life on Earth—this means our DNA is mathematically coded as frequency structures or 6-line codons.

Table of all 64 Codons and UR Runes

Codons are functions of the mathematical language of universal telepathy, known as the 64 UR runes. It is these 64 UR runes that coordinate and unlock the thirteen-unit permutation cycle of each of the 64 codons. The 64 UR runes and codons are the language of creation. These are the living keys to divine creation and self-perfection.

“The UR runes are the primal language of the cube unfolding itself.”

Click here to download a printable table of all 64 Codons and UR Runes and their names.

The Eight UR Strands

Aboriginal Continuity (AC)

Rune Strand 1: Way of the Tree (Cosmic Creation)—Tree is primal creation. Eight years to grow one cosmic tree. One cosmic tree, one garden, one cosmic race, one cosmic creation.

Rune Strand 2: Way of Conduct—Aboriginal way before the beginning. Conduct is the way of conforming to the Divine Plan. One way of conduct codes the aboriginal way.

Rune Strand 7: Way of the Telepath—This is how the aboriginal way of conduct completes itself through future knowing. Learning the way of the telepath establishes the foundation of the temple. One divine knowing, one people sharing one truth, one temple in which to join the ancient to the future way.

Rune Strand 8: Way of the Galactic Octave—The galactic octave is the fulfillment of time into the all-penetrating resonance of the Now. The way of the galactic octave is the conduct of art as all pervading action. One galactic octave sounding an infinitude of resonance in one perfect Now.

Civilizational Advance/Cosmic Awareness (CA)

Rune Strand 3: Way of Wielding Power—Also the way of cosmic awareness, which is the way of divine self-perfection. One way of wielding power, one people in their power, one Divine Perfection.

Rune Strand 4: Way of the Transcendent Fourth (Cosmic Awareness)—The refinement of Cosmic Awareness as the way of wielding power. It is the divine perfection of mind in time. One perfection of one mind, one way of the transcendent fourth to know God’s mind in you.

Rune Strand 5: Way of the Irresistible Fifth (Cosmic Order)—This is the way of wielding power through the perfection of cosmic order. Devotion is the way to cosmic order; one cosmic order, one irresistible fifth force, one way of wielding power of divine creation.

Rune Strand 6: Way of Dynamic Construction—This is the way of wielding power through creative projection that brings you to the source—one source, one way of dynamic construction to build the architecture of time.

For further study see:
Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems
The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time

Cosmic History Chronicles

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