About José Argüelles/Valum Votan Rainbow Bridge

Law of Time

Exploring the Synchronic Order

The synchronic order is a matrix of living intelligence; it is a fourth-dimensional order of reality based on the Law of Time. We experience this order as synchronicity. Synchronicity refers to the underlying cosmic intelligence that synchronizes people, places and events into a meaningful order. We experience synchronicity when an outer event corresponds to our inner thoughts, perceptions or feelings.

Synchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on an underlying mathematical matrix. The more we learn about and tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order of reality. This is the purpose of the codes of time and the 13 Moon 28-day calendar.  Daily use of the 13 Moon calendar increases incidences of synchronicity by deepening our intuitive awareness of the interconnectedness of people and events.

Since everything is synchronized by time, all that exists is organized by the synchronic order. To know or perceive this order requires a degree of self-reflective consciousness. Applying the codes of the synchronic order gives us a fresh lens to view our lives and the universe around us.

The system of the synchronic order is a rich layering of symbolically coded patterns. By learning these patterns, our thought structures are reoriented with multi-layered meanings. In the synchronic order, the most fundamental pattern is created by the interaction of the 13 tones and 20 seals. This 13:20 pattern combines with the 13 Moon 28-day cycle to create a comprehensive template of synchronicity. This template demonstrates a richness of organization of time that is incomprehensible from the point of the view of the clock and Gregorian calendar.

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